Mirror Mirror: The Reflective Surface in Contemporary Art
3:30 PM15:30

Mirror Mirror: The Reflective Surface in Contemporary Art

I am excited to be included in Michael Petry’s new book for Thames & Hudson – Mirror Mirror: The Reflective Surface in Contemporary Art

The book surveys more than 150 international contemporary artists who use reflective surfaces as a vehicle for meaning within their practice, including Olafur Eliasson, Frida Escobedo, Ugo Rondinone, Cindy Sherman, Zhan Wang, Subodh Gupta, and Jeff Koons.

Available in UK and Europe from November 2024, USA February 2025

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Open Studio: Culture Night Uppsala 2024
12:00 PM12:00

Open Studio: Culture Night Uppsala 2024

Kick start Uppsala Culture Night at Hospitlet’s Open Studio afternoon!

You are very welcome to come see me in my Uppsala studio where I will be showing new and recent work as well as offering editions and older pieces at special Culture Night prices Together with the other artists, writers, musicians, and ccreators we at Hospitalet invite you to sample some of the best contemporary work to be found in Uppsala.

There is a café with coffee, tea, and homemade cakes and baked goods.

Wheelchair and disabled access in the north corridor.

Culture Night Uppsala 2024

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Process Residency: Following Eugène – A Spring Outi
to Aug 6

Process Residency: Following Eugène – A Spring Outi

This week long process residency will be used to develop the latest chapter of my on-going Following Eugène project (2014 – ). A Spring Outing takes its starting point in Eugène Jansson (1862–1915) showing the first of his ‘naked athletes’ series in Verdandi’s Spring Exhibition, Uppsla 1907. The exhibition opened only a few weeks after Jansson’s friend and photographer Nils Santesson was sentenced to ten months hard labour after being found guilty of homosexuality. That courtcase ignited debate that eventually led from homosexuality being defined as an illness rather than a criminal act. A Spring Outing considers the personal, social, and political implications of declaring one’s sexuality and or gender identity in contemporary and historical contexts as well as considering how such declarations are made.

The residency concludes with two afternoons when the public are welcome to join me in open discussion.

Open to the public Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September, 12–4pm

The residency is made possible with support from Köttinspektionen, and Uppsala City Council.

Photo: Pavel Matveyev

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Möt en konstnär: Following Eugène – A Spring Outing
to Jul 7

Möt en konstnär: Following Eugène – A Spring Outing

  • Uppsala konstnärsklubb (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A week long residency turns Galleri 1 into a creative research laboratory – a point of collection and investigation relating to the history and legacy of Eugène Jansson first showing his ‘naked athletes’ in Uppsala.

The residency is open to the public: Wednesday – Friday, 2–6pm and Saturday – Sunday, 1–4pm

Photo: Pavel Matveyev

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Galleri Artem
2:00 PM14:00

Galleri Artem

I am delighted to announce that I will be working with Galleri Artem, Stockholm.

This exciting young gallery represents a range of contemporary artists working across painting, drawing, scultpure, installation, and performance. Gallery director Clara Stenqvist has a background in art history as well as working in museums and auction houses.

The gallery is in the Vasastan district of Stockholm, together many other contemporary galleries, restaurants, design shops, and independent retailers.

Galleri Artem

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MINSTA möjligt (The Least Possible)
to Jun 9

MINSTA möjligt (The Least Possible)

  • Uppsala konstnärsklubb (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Uppsala Artists’ Club presents a themed exhibition featuring work by 32 of the club’s members.

My work ‘Universe’ is inspired by the opening lines William Blakes’ poem Auguries of Innocence (1803) … ‘To see a world in a grain of sand / And a heaven in a wild flower / Hold infinity in the palm of your hand / And eternity in an hour …’ and my love of glitter.

Vernissage: Saturday 1 June from 12.00 noon, The exhibition is open until 8pm

Exhibition open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 2 – 6pm, Saturday and Sunday 12 – 4pm

Or by appointment.


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In conversation: Following Eugène – A Spring Outing
to May 17

In conversation: Following Eugène – A Spring Outing

  • Verdandi Student Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Stuart Mayes in conversation with Katarina Karyotaki as they discuss Stuart’s current research into Eugène Jansson’s participation in the 1907 Verdandi student association’s Spring Exhibition.

In the early 1900s Verdandi organised a series of Spring Exhibitions that attracted national attention, not least the 1907 iteration where Eugène Jansson showed his male nudes (naked athletes) for the first time. Taking this as a starting point Stuart’s project invites investigations of the city across and through queer experience.

The conversation is part of Verdandi’s cultural biennale, for further details visit their Facebook page

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Supermarket Stockholm Independent Art Fair
to Apr 28

Supermarket Stockholm Independent Art Fair

  • SKHLM Skärholmen Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Supermarket makes it’s annual return! This year we are back in the Skärholmen district with more than 60 artist-run galleries, organisations, and projects presenting work from across Europe and around the world.

In addition to the exhibition booths there is a public programme of talks and performances, and the catalogue includes essays and articles by international artists and writers.

I will be running the Exhibitors’ Meetings programme with hosts and guests from Sweden, the UK, USA, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, South Africa, Algeria, Argentina, and Egypt.

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Culture Night
to Apr 21

Culture Night

  • Liljevalchs konsthall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Liljevalchs, as part of Stockholm City’s Culture Night, invites you to a special late night opening of the Spring Exhibition from 6.00pm until 12.00pm (midnight).

Every half hour from 6.30– 11.30pm there will be a 20 minute introductory presentation by gallery staff.

The show closes on Sunday (21st April at 5.00pm) so Culture Night is the perfect opportunity to see it if you haven’t already done so – not only that but the free entry cover two other exhibitions in the same building!

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Public Art Handbook
to Mar 31

Public Art Handbook

  • Google Calendar ICS

Public Art Agency Sweden has recently published a handbook for public art commissioners, specifically local councils. I am really pleased that my Departure and Arrival project för Konstfrämjandet Västmanland and Region Västmanland appears in one of the featured case-studies.

The book is available in print and as a downloadable pdf from Statens konstråds website

[The book is in Swedish]

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to Apr 21


I am delighted to have had five pieces from my tie drape series selected for Liljevalchs Vårsalongen 2024 (The Spring Exhibition), Stockholm.

The selection committee for the 2024 show – curators Ashik Zaman and Tawanda Appiah, olympic rider Peder Fredricson, and Liljevalch’s director Joanna Sandell Wright – have chosen works that together make a “generous and joyful exhibition.”

The exhibition features 289 artworks from 163 artists (selected from a nearly 5000 applicants) – both professional and amatuer – across most media: sculpture, painting, drawing, print, photogaphy, video, and textile.

The exhibition runs until Sunday 21 April. For more information click here

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Open Studio: Christmas Market
12:00 PM12:00

Open Studio: Christmas Market

  • The Hospital Studio Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Warm welcome to my Open Studio! As part of the studio association’s Christmas Market I am having an open studio – come and say hello, and see what I have been up to! I will be offering a fayre (!) price on special edition artworks as well as other smaller pieces.

It promises to be a great day with many other artists also opening their studios and offering creative workshops. Café Hospitalet is open from 11.30am with homemade cakes, tea, coffee, and of course mulled wine!

In the beautiful gardens you will find stalls with festive handcrafts, Christmas trees, and foodtrucks

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The Geometric Library: a creative workshop
10:00 AM10:00

The Geometric Library: a creative workshop

  • The Hospital Studio Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn to create geometric sculptures from old, damaged, or abandoned books!

In this workshop you learn how simple folds can turn an old book into a three dimensional sculpture – find your own style and make your own sculpture!

No previous experience necessary, this workshop is suitable for anyone aged 12 and over.

Materials and tution provided

50kr per person

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Konstdygnet: open studio
2:00 PM14:00

Konstdygnet: open studio

This year Konstdygnet (The Art Day) is happening in Uppsala from 12noon on Thursday 21 through to 12 noon on Friday 22 September. This annual event is an opportunity for artists, artsworkers, arts organisations, and cultural administrators to meet, discuss, and plan as well to to make new contacts, develop networks, and find collaborative partners.

On Thursday afternoon I have an open studio as part of the programme. I will be talking about my studio practice as well as my recent project with Konstframjändet Västmanland.


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Culture Night: open studio & workshop
11:00 AM11:00

Culture Night: open studio & workshop

I am one of many artists at The Hospital Studios who is opening their studio as part of Uppsala Culture Night 2023. We are actually open from 12noon until 4pm, from 4.15pm I am running a creative workshop for adults.

The Hospital Studios is Uppsala’s largest studio association providing workspaces for more than 25 visual artists working with painting, sculpture, installation, photography, textile, and performance. There are also a number of studios for writers and musicians. Uppsala’s printworkshop is in the same building and will also be open.

The Hospital Studios

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Juxtapose Art Fair, Think Tanks
to Sep 3

Juxtapose Art Fair, Think Tanks

I will be moderating one of the ‘philosophical double-bill’ Think Tanks. The starting point for the discussion contests that much of culture is now ultra processed in much the same way food is now ultra processed, that is to say that it has been tweaked so as to make it addicitve and at the same time non-nutritional or even harmful. How does this impact artist-run, and how do we meet the challenge?

The Think Tanks programme is co-hosted by Supermarket Art Fair and I am attending the fair as a representative from Supermarket where I am the Meetings coordinator.

Juxtapose Art Fair

Juxtapose Art Fair 2021. Think Tank. Photo: Mariana Gil

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Departure and Arrival, part 3: Köping
to Sep 10

Departure and Arrival, part 3: Köping

  • Köping train station (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

An installation of fabric flags on the facade of the station building.

Site inspired installation commissioned by Konstframjändet Västmanland

The commission is a part of the ASK (Sites for Contemporary Art) project initiated by Konstframjänder Västmanland in collaboration with Region Västmanland, 2020 – 2023.

The installation is made possible with support from Köping kommun, Region Västmanland, Konstframjändet Västmanland

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Departure and Arrival, part 2: Kungsör
to Sep 10

Departure and Arrival, part 2: Kungsör

  • Kungsör tågstation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

An installation of fabric flags in the the station’s waiting room

Site inspired installation commissioned by Konstframjändet Västmanland

The commission is a part of the ASK (Sites for Contemporary Art) project initiated by Konstframjänder Västmanland in collaboration with Region Västmanland, 2020 – 2023.

The installation is made possible with support from Kungsör kommun, Region Västmanland, Konstframjändet Västmanland

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Boundless Knowledge
to Aug 13

Boundless Knowledge

Five artists from Uppsala Artists’ Club have been selected to exhibition in Lövstbruk’s Great Magazine this summer. Further details to be announced.

The exhibition is a collaboration between the Lövstabruk Foundation, Tierp Council, and the Uppsala Artists’ Club, made possible with financial supported by Region Uppsala.

Anette Wixner, Ida Lindgren, Ingrid Orlowski, Penja Hesselbäck, and Stuart Mayes

Photo: Louise Magnusson

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What Happens Now? - Panel discussion
7:00 PM19:00

What Happens Now? - Panel discussion

What is life like for artists today? As part of their 90 year anniversary programme Uplands Art Association invite a guest panel to discuss the situation for artists and the arts in contemporary society, and asks what roll art associations can have in this context.

Stuart Mayes – artist and chair of the Uppsala Artists’ Club, Filippa Arrias – artist and lectire in painting at the Royal Institute of Art, and Kalle Landegren – artist and Uplands Art Assocaition committee member.

Moderator: Daniel Werkmäster, director Uppsala Art Museum

Reserve your free ticket: https://secure.tickster.com/sv/e3g87h5a2ah4j5j/products

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Meeting with Stuart Mayes and Klas Hällerstrand
7:00 PM19:00

Meeting with Stuart Mayes and Klas Hällerstrand

Möte med … Stuart och Klas / Meet Stuart and Klas, Wednesday 7 September 7pm, 100/80 kr

Book with May-Britt Waghorn on +46 (0)702 770 353, please book by Monday 5 September at the latest

Stuart and Klas discuss the themes of their two person show as well as their individual artistic practices and projects.

While their practices are quite distinct there is an intriguing dialogue between their works. They had a two person show at Målhammar Gallery in 2016, and in addition to their own creativity they have both worked for local and regional arts organisations. In 2018 they started the Old Gymnasium Studios, Enköping where ten artists and photographers have their studios.

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to Feb 13


  • Uppsala konstnärsklubb (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Visitors are welcomed into an ongoing creative process inspired by heraldic shields, family crests, as well as the life and works of artist Eugène Jansson (1862 -1915).

Stuart began using the term 'live work' to describe particular aspects of his practice in the mid 90s while studying at the Slade School of Fine Art in London. Transformer marks the artist's return to this form of presentation since making Bed (London, 2009).

Wednesday – Friday, 2.00 – 6.00pm
Saturday and Sunday, 12.00 noon – 4.00pm

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Discussion Festival
7:00 PM19:00

Discussion Festival

Elena Thomas, Kate Murdoch, and Stuart Mayes invite discussion on long-term long-form blogging. Artists Elena, Kate, and Stuart recently co-authored an article about their blogs for a-n.co.uk/artists information company.

Join them at table number 3 at the Discussion Festival, organised by Platform-7

Starts 7.15pm (BST)

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Crowd: vernissage
6:00 PM18:00

Crowd: vernissage

Welcome to the opening of Crowd, a exhibition looking at our relationship to gathering, assembling, being part of a gang … being in a crowd.

Exhibition continues through to 26 September.

Open Friday to Sunday 1 – 5pm

Klitsa Antoniou, Arazo Arif, Maria Backman, Susann Brännström, Katarina Eismann, Antonie Grahamsdaughter, Tanja Holm, Kent Klich, Mats Lindström, Stuart Mayes, Mårten Medbo, Kristina Müntzing, Gunnel Pettersson, Ida Rödén, Carl Johan Stigmark, Paola Torres Núñez del Prado, Paula Urbano, Gunilla Wiel Svensson, Olando Whyte, Karin Ruth Zettergren

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Insyn (Insight) Molly Mattlar with Stuart Mayes
11:00 AM11:00

Insyn (Insight) Molly Mattlar with Stuart Mayes

Get an insight into another person. Meet the life of a young artist in a microcosm.
As part of Mobil Ung Salong.
Artists: Molly Mattlar with Stuart Mayes

You wake up and with slow pace you move around, trying to grasp some sense in the world that surrounds you. Your gestures are cautious, as you continue moving in the space you inhabit. Your mind goes through the past days, the touching encounters you strongly remember, the moments of happiness, uneasiness, struggle, joy; all has acquired a vivid presence in your reality and now defines it. But, how would another person understand your existence? Could they relate to the stories and nuances of your intimacy? Would they make connections with you?

Insyn is an interactive artwork in which the public is invited to discover another person’s inner world by having a one to one experience with the artist.

Curator: Alba Folgado
Project leaders: Katarina Sundkvist Zohari & Nito Vega.

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Sommarskol | Summer school
to Aug 13

Sommarskol | Summer school

  • Uppsala Konstmuseum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Artist Stuart Mayes leads a summer school for children and young people at Uppsala Art Museum.

Taking inspiration from Stuart’s own practice, the museum’s exhibition programme, sculptures and installations the summer school is a place for creative experimentation and play. With a different theme each day and a broad range of additional materials participants are encouraged to explore new ways of working with textiles, fabrics, cloths and clothes.

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a-n.co.uk  Q&A with ... Elena Thomas, Kate Murdock, and Stuart Mayes
9:00 AM09:00

a-n.co.uk Q&A with ... Elena Thomas, Kate Murdock, and Stuart Mayes

To celebrate their combined 33 years of contributing to a-n Blogs, Elena Thomas, Kate Murdoch and Stuart Mayes reflect upon how long-form blogging has become an essential part of their practices. Elena celebrated 10 years of her a-n Blog Threads in June this year, while Kate made her first post on Keeping It Going in July 2012. Stuart started his blog Project Me in January 2007, just a few months after the new a-n platform ‘Projects unedited’, as it was then known, launched. In this self-initiated 3-way Q&A, they explore why long-form blogging is as relevant today as it was back in 2007, and express their hope to keep this art form not only alive but vital and vibrant.

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Adelante konstutställning | Adelante group exhibition
to Aug 19

Adelante konstutställning | Adelante group exhibition

Members of the Adelante artists’ group present an exhibition encompassing diverse art forms and artistic concerns.

Artists: Kajsa Haglund, Tina Tombrock, Yasaman Sharif Manesh, Eva Björkman, Klas Hällerstrand, Farzane Rad, Awni Mohamad, Blerta Kapo, Pavel Matveyey, Eva Hesslow, Ida Lindgren, Regia Melander, Kalsoom Ali, Mireia Rocher, Rounak Rasoulpour, Seywan Saedian, and Stuart Mayes,

Members of the group will be leading creative workshops for children through out the summer holidays.

Further information: in Swedish

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